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Restriction on removal of body of person dying in hospital from notifiable disease.

12.(1) Where [the chief administrative medical officer of a
Health and Social Services Board], or some other medical practitioner,
certifies that in his opinion it is necessary, in order to prevent the spread
of infection, that the body of a person who has died in a hospital while
suffering from a notifiable disease should not be removed from the hospital
except for the purpose of being taken direct to a mortuary or being forthwith
buried or cremated, it shall not be lawful for any person to remove the body
from the hospital, except for such a purpose.

(2) In any such case as aforesaid, when the body is removed for the purpose of
burial or cremation from the hospital or is removed from any mortuary to which
it has been taken, it shall forthwith be taken direct to some place of burial
or cremation, and there buried or cremated.

(3) Any person who contravenes the provisions of this section shall be guilty
of an offence under this Part.

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