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Northern Irish Legislation

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As to leading or driving animals.

80. The [district council] may, by order, prescribe the streets in which, and
the manner according to which, the leading or driving of animals shall be
permitted within their district, provided that the route or routes which it
shall be lawful for the [council] so to prescribe shall not be such as would
prevent the passage of cattle between any market on the one hand, and any
railway station or landing wharf in the district or any place beyond the
district on the other hand, when such animals are merely passing between such
market and railway station, landing wharf, or other place aforesaid, and the
[council] shall be bound to allow at all times a reasonably short and
efficient route or routes for the passage of such animals. Provided also that
any such order shall only operate between the hours of nine in the morning and
nine in the evening, and shall not prevent the owner of any animals driving
the same to or from his own premises, and nothing in this enactment contained
shall authorise the [district council] to interfere with the leading or
driving of any animals to any duly licensed slaughter-house.

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