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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> PUBLIC HEALTH ACTS AMENDMENT ACT 1907

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Fencing lands adjoining streets.

31. If any land (other than land forming part of any common) adjoining any
street is allowed to remain unfenced or if the fences of any such land are
allowed to be or remain out of repair, and such land is, owing to the absence
or inadequate repair of any such fence, a source of danger to passengers, or
is used for any immoral or indecent purposes, or for any purpose causing
inconvenience or annoyance to the public, the Local Government Board for
Ireland, on the application of the [district council] may by Order empower the
[council] to proceed under this section, and, in that case, at any time after
the expiration of fourteen days from the service upon the owner or occupier of
notice in writing by the [council] requiring the land to be fenced or any
fence of the land to be repaired, the [council] may cause the land to be
fenced or may cause the fences to be repaired in such manner as they think
fit, and the reasonable expenses thereby incurred shall be recoverable from
such owner or occupier summarily as a civil debt.

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