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Compensation to civil defence employees for loss of employment, etc.

4.(1) The Ministry of Home Affairs may, by regulations made with the approval
of the Ministry of Finance, make provision for the payment by the Ministry of
Home Affairs, subject to such exceptions or conditions as may be prescribed by
the regulations, of compensation to or in respect of persons who are the
holders of any such place, situation or employment as may be so prescribed and
who suffer loss of employment or loss or diminution of emoluments which is
attributable to any reduction of activities under section 2, or the revocation
or amendment of any regulations made under section 3, of the Civil Defence Act
(Northern Ireland) 1950.

Subs.(2) rep. by SLR 1980

(3) Regulations under this section

(a)may include provision as to the manner in which any claim for compensation
under this section is to be made and for the determination of all questions
arising under the regulations;

(b)may be made with reference to matters arising before the making of the
regulations or the passing of this Act (but not so as to place any person
other than the Ministry of Home Affairs in a worse position than he would have
been in if the regulations had not been so made);

(c)shall be subject to negative resolution.

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