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Elections of persons under 21 years shall be void, and new writs shall be issued.

74. Every election or return of any persons to serve in Parliament for any
county of a city or county of a town, who shall be under the age of twenty-one
years, shall be deemed null and void; and if it shall be determined by any
committee of the House of Commons who shall try any petition presented against
any such election or return, that such person was under the age of twenty-one
years on the day of such election, a new writ shall forthwith issue for the
election of another person in his place.

Ss.7587 rep. by 1842 c.97 s.2; 1854 c.102 s.1 sch.A; 1872 c.33 s.32 sch.6; SLR
1873; 1883 c.51 s.66 sch.5; 1962 c.14 (NI) s.131 sch.11

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