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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> POLLUTION CONTROL AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT (NORTHERN IRELAND) ORDER 1978

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68.(1) For the prevention of danger, obstruction or annoyance to persons
bathing in the sea or using the seashore, a district council may make bye-laws

(a)regulating the speed of pleasure boats;

(b)regulating the use of pleasure boats so as to prevent their navigation in a
dangerous manner or without due care and attention or without reasonable
consideration for other persons;

(c)requiring the use of effectual silencers on pleasure boats propelled by
internal combustion engines.

(2) Bye-laws made under this Article may provide that a person contravening
them shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on summary conviction
to a fine not exceeding #200 and, in the case of a continuing offence, a
further fine not exceeding #5 for each day on which the offence continues
after conviction.

(3) The Department shall be the Department concerned as respects bye-laws made
under this Article; so, however, that before confirming any such bye-laws the
Department may amend the bye-laws so as to reduce the area in which the
bye-laws have effect if it appears to the Department appropriate to do so with
a view to ensuring that the byelaws do not have effect in any area for which
another district council has made or may make bye-laws under this Article.

(4) Any bye-law may be made under this Article so as to have effect not only
within the district of the district council but also, where any part of that
district is bounded by or is to seaward of the high-water mark of mean tides,
as respects any area of the sea which is outside that district within 1,000
metres to seaward of any place where that mark is within or on the boundary of
that district; and any offence against any such bye-law made to have effect as
mentioned in this paragraph may be inquired into and dealt with as if
committed within the district of the district council.

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