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Where the will is proved in solemn form, or its validity is otherwise decided on, the decree of the Court to be binding on the persons interested in the real estate, &c.

66. Where probate of such will is granted after such proof in solemn form, or
where the validity of the will is otherwise declared by the decree or order in
such contentious cause or matter as aforesaid, the probate, decree, or order
respectively shall enure for the benefit of all persons interested in the real
estate affected by such will; and the probate copy of such will, or the
letters of administration with such will annexed, or a copy thereof
respectively, stamped with the seal of [the Court or a seal provided under
section 115 of the Judicature (Northern Ireland) Act 1978], shall in all
courts, and in all suits and proceedings affecting real estate, of whatever
tenure, (save proceedings by way of [appeal against the probate,
administration, decree or order in question], or for the revocation of such
probate or administration,) be received as conclusive evidence of the validity
and contents of such will, in like manner as a probate is received in evidence
in matters relating to the personal estate; and where probate is refused or
revoked on the ground of the invalidity of the will, or the invalidity of the
will is otherwise declared by decree or order ..., such decree or order shall
enure for the benefit of the heir-at-law or other persons against whose
interest in real estate such will might operate; and such will shall not be
received in evidence in any suit or proceeding in relation to real estate,
save in any proceeding by way of appeal from such decrees or orders.

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