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You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> PROBATES AND LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION ACT (IRELAND) 1857

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Where a will affecting real estate is proved in solemn form or is the subject of a contentious proceeding, the heir and persons interested in the real estate to be cited.

65. Where proceedings are taken ... for proving a will in solemn form, or for
revoking the probate of a will, on the ground of the invalidity thereof, or
where in any other contentious cause or matter ... the validity of a will is
disputed, unless in the several cases aforesaid the will affects only personal
estate, the heir-at-law, devisees and other persons having or pretending
interest in the real estate affected by the will, shall, subject to the
provisions of this Act, and to [rules of court made under section 55 of the
Judicature (Northern Ireland) Act 1978], be cited to see proceedings, or
otherwise summoned in like manner as the next of kin or others having or
pretending interest in the personal estate affected by a will should be cited
or summoned, and may be permitted to become parties or intervene for their
respective interests in such real estate, subject to such rules ..., and to
the discretion of the Court.

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