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Northern Irish Legislation

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6.(1) The Minister of Home Affairs may make regulations as to the conveyance
of petroleum-spirit by road and for protecting persons or property from danger
in connection with such conveyance, and in particular

(a)for regulating the description and construction of vehicles to be used in
the conveyance of petroleum-spirit by road;

(b)for prohibiting or subjecting to conditions and restrictions the conveyance
by road of petroleum-spirit with any explosive, or with any articles or
substances, or in passenger vehicles;

(c)for prescribing the quantity of petroleum-spirit which may be conveyed at
one time or in one vehicle;

(d)for prescribing the precautions to be observed in the conveyance of
petroleum-spirit by road, and in loading and unloading vehicles used in such
conveyance, and the time during which the petroleum-spirit may be kept during
such conveyance, loading, and unloading as aforesaid;

(e)for the publication and supply of copies of the regulations;

(f)for adapting, on good cause being shown, the regulations in force under
this section to the circumstances of any particular locality;

(g)for the enforcement of the regulations in any area by the local authority
empowered under this Act to grant petroleum-spirit licences in that area.

(2) If any person contravenes or attempts to contravene any regulation made
under this section, he shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine not
exceeding [#100], and the court before whom any person is convicted under this
sub-section may order that the petroleum-spirit in respect of which the
offence was committed and any vessel in which it is contained be forfeited or
otherwise dealt with in such manner as the court thinks fit.

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