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You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> PETROLEUM (CONSOLIDATION) ACT (NORTHERN IRELAND) 1929

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23.(1) In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires, the following
expressions have the meanings hereby respectively assigned to them (that is to

"Amenities" in relation to any place, includes any view of or from that place:

"Canal" and "canal company" have respectively the same meanings as in the
Regulation of Railways Act, 1873:

"Clerk" includes secretary:

"Contravention" includes, in relation to any provision, a failure to comply
with that provision, and the expression "contravene" shall be construed

"Dock" includes any pier, jetty or other place, in or at which ships can ship
or unship goods or passengers:

"Government inspector" means a government inspector under the
Explosives Act, 1875:

"Harbour" means any harbour, whether natural or artificial, and any port,
haven, estuary, tidal or other river, canal or inland navigation navigated by
sea-going ships and, subject to the provisions of this Act, any dock:

"Harbour authority" means any person or body of persons in whom are vested by
or under any Act of Parliament powers and duties of improving, maintaining or
managing a harbour, so, however, that where, as respects any dock within a
harbour, such powers and duties are separately vested by or under any Act of
Parliament in any person or body of persons, that person or body shall, as
respects that dock, be the harbour authority, and the dock shall be deemed to
be a separate harbour:

"I.W.G." means the denominations of standards approved by Order in Council
made under the Weights and Measures Act, 1878, and dated the twenty-third day
of August, eighteen hundred and eighty-three, known as the "Imperial Wire

"Licensed premises" means any premises in respect of which a
petroleum-spirit licence is in force under this Act:

"Minister of Home Affairs" means the Minister of Home Affairs for Northern

"Motor vehicles" includes all mechanically-propelled vehicles intended or
adapted for use on roads:

"Petroleum" includes crude petroleum, oil made from petroleum, or from coal,
shale, peat or other bituminous substances, and other products of petroleum:

"Petroleum filling station" means any premises or place used or intended to be
used by way of trade or for purposes of gain for fuelling motor vehicles with
petroleum, and includes any building, advertisement, pump or other apparatus
in, or used in connection with, any such premises:

"Petroleum-spirit" means such petroleum as when tested in the manner set forth
in Part II of the Second Schedule to this Act gives off an inflammable vapour
at a temperature of less than seventy-three degrees Fahrenheit:

"Petroleum-spirit licence" means a licence authorising the keeping of
petroleum-spirit granted by a local authority empowered under this Act to
grant such a licence or by the Minister of Home Affairs:

"Ship" includes every description of vessel used in navigation, whether
propelled by oars or otherwise:

"Statutory period" means ...

definition in 1954 c.33 (NI) s.41(2) substituted by 1979 NI12 art.10

Subs.(2) rep. by 1954 c.33 (NI) s.48(1) sch.

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