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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> PETROLEUM (CONSOLIDATION) ACT (NORTHERN IRELAND) 1929

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13.(1) Whenever any accident which occasions loss of life or personal injury
occurs by explosion or by fire in or about or in connection with any
licensed premises, the occupier of the premises shall, if the explosion or
fire involved petroleum-spirit, forthwith send or cause to be sent to the
Minister of Home Affairs notice of the accident and of the loss of life or
personal injury. A notice of any accident of which notice is sent in pursuance
of this section need not be sent to any inspector of factories.

(2) Where, in, about, or in connection with any ship or vehicle on which
petroleum-spirit is being conveyed, or loaded, or from which petroleum-spirit
is being unloaded, any accident which occasions loss of life or personal
injury occurs by explosion or by fire, the owner or master of the ship or
vehicle shall, if the explosion or fire involved petroleum-spirit, forthwith
send or cause to be sent to the Minister of Home Affairs notice of the
accident and of the loss of life or personal injury, but this provision shall
not apply where the petroleum-spirit carried or loaded on, or unloaded from,
the ship or vehicle is or was for use only on that ship or vehicle or in any
case in which such notice as aforesaid is otherwise by law required to be sent
to some government department.

(3) Every such occupier, owner, or master as aforesaid who fails to comply
with any of the provisions of this section shall be liable on summary
conviction to a fine not exceeding twenty pounds.

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