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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> PETROLEUM (CONSOLIDATION) ACT (NORTHERN IRELAND) 1929

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1.(1) Subject to the provisions of this Act, petroleum-spirit shall not be
kept unless a petroleum-spirit licence is in force under this Act authorising
the keeping thereof and the petroleum-spirit is kept in accordance with such
conditions, if any, as may be attached to the licence:

Provided that the foregoing provision shall not apply to any petroleum-spirit
kept either for private use or for sale so long as

(a)it is kept in separate glass, earthenware, or metal vessels, securely
stopped and containing not more than one pint each; and

(b)the aggregate amount kept would not, if the whole contents of the vessels
were in bulk, exceed three gallons.

(2) The occupier of any premises in which petroleum-spirit is kept in
contravention of this section, shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine
not exceeding [#100], and the court before whom any person is convicted under
this sub-section may order that the petroleum-spirit, in respect of which the
contravention occurs, and any vessel in which it is contained be forfeited or
otherwise dealt with in such manner as the court thinks fit.

(3) If any person to whom a petroleum-spirit licence is granted contravenes
any condition of the licence, he shall be liable on summary conviction to a
fine not exceeding [#100].

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