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Northern Irish Legislation

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5. The following regulations shall be made with respect to the grant of pedlar

(1)Subject as in this Act mentioned, a pedlar's certificate shall be granted
to any person by the chief officer of police of the police district in which
the person applying for a certificate has, during one month previous to such
application, resided, on such officer being satisfied that the applicant is
above seventeen years of age, is a person of good character, and in good faith
intends to carry on the trade of pedlar:

(2)An application for a pedlar's certificate shall be in the form specified in
schedule two to this Act, or as near thereto as circumstances admit:

(3)There shall be paid for a pedlar's certificate previously to the delivery
thereof to the applicant a fee of [#1.25]:

(4)A pedlar's certificate shall be in the form specified in schedule two to
this Act, or as near thereto as circumstances admit:

(5)A pedlar's certificate shall remain in force for one year from the date of
the issue thereof, and no longer:

(6)On the delivery up of the old certificate, or on sufficient evidence being
produced to the satisfaction of the chief officer of police that the old
certificate has been lost, that officer may, either at the expiration of the
current year, or during the currency of any year, grant a new certificate in
the same manner as upon a first application for a pedlar's certificate. In ...
Ireland the Lord Lieutenant may from time to time provide for the expiration
of all pedlars certificates at the same period of each year, and in doing so
shall provide for the apportionment of the fees payable in respect of any such

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