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Reservation of powers of local authority.

24. Nothing in this Act shall take away or diminish any of the powers vested
in any local authority by any general or local Act in force in the district of
such local authority.

S.25 rep. by SLR 1883

country, over which is appointed a

sub-inspector of the Royal Irish


1. I, A.B. [Christian and surname of applicant in full] have during the last
calendar month resided at in the parish of in the county of .

2. I am by trade and occupation a [here state trade and occupation of
applicant, e.g., that he is a hawker, pedlar, &c.].

3. I am years of age.

4. I apply for a certificate under the Pedlars Act, 1871, authorizing me to
act as a pedlar within the police district.

Dated this day of .

In pursuance of the Pedlars Act, 1871, I certify that A.B. [name of applicant]
of in the county of aged years, is hereby authorized to act as a pedlar within
the police district for a year from the date of this certificate. [To be
altered, if necessary, to correspond to any order of the ... Lord Lieutenant
of Ireland as to time of expiration of licenses.]

Certified this day of A.D.

The certificate will expire on the day of , A.D.

Form C. rep. by SLR 1883

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