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Appeal against refusal of certificate by chief officer of police.

15. If the chief officer of police refuses to grant ... a certificate, the
applicant may appeal to a court of summary jurisdiction having jurisdiction in
the place where such grant ... was refused, in accordance with the followign

(1)The applicant shall, within one week after the refusal, give to the
chief officer of police notice in writing of the appeal:

(2)The appeal shall be heard at the sitting of the court which happens next
after the expiration of the said week, but the court may, on the application
of either party, adjourn the case:

(3)The court shall hear and determine the matter of the appeal, and make uch
order thereon, with or without costs to either party, as to the court seems

(4)An appeal under this Act to a court of summary jurisdiction in ... Ireland
shall be deemed to be a matter on which that court has authority by law to
make an order in pursuance of the Summary Jurisdiction Acts, ...:

(5)Any certificate, ... granted ... in pursuance of an order of the court,
shall have the same effect as if it had been originally granted ... by the
chief officer of police.

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