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Northern Irish Legislation

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5.(1) Where any such marriage as aforesaid is intended to be solemnised or
contracted in Ireland, this Act shall apply subject to the following

(a)References to a district registrar of marriages in Ireland shall be
substituted for references to a superintendent registrar:

(b)References to the Marriage Law (Ireland) Amendment Act, 1863, shall be
substituted for references to the Marriage and Registration Act, 1856, except
that so much of section four of the first-mentioned Act as requires a
declaration of attendance at a place of worship in respect of the male party
shall not apply in the case of declarations under this Act or made for the
purposes of a marriage under this Act.

(2) Where one of the parties to a marriage intended to be solemnised or
contracted in Ireland by licence from a district registrar of marriages in
Ireland is an officer, seaman, or marine borne on the books of one of His
Majesty's ships at sea, the provisions of section two of this Act as applied
to Ireland shall apply as if the marriage was intended to be had without
licence, and the notice to be given by the other party to the intended
marriage need contain no statement as to his abode or residence in any
district in the United Kingdom; but, before the district registrar issues the
licence, the certificate of the captain or other officer of the ship given
under this Act shall be produced to him.

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