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Issue of certificates on board His Majesty's ships.

2. Where one of the parties to a marriage intended to be solemnised or
contracted in England otherwise than after the publication of banns, or by
licence, or by special licence, is an officer, seaman, or marine borne on the
books of one of His Majesty's ships at sea, he may give notice of his
intention to the captain or other officer commanding the ship, together with
the name and address of the other party to the marriage, and such other
information as may be necessary to enable the captain or other officer to fill
up a certificate under this section, and shall at the same time make and sign
such a declaration as is required by section two of the Marriage and
Registration Act, 1856, and the captain or other officer may attest the
declaration and thereupon issue a certificate to the officer, seaman, or
marine giving the notice.

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