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Powers of Board of Trade as to receivers appointed by such Receiver General, and serjeants of Admiralty of Cinque Ports, &c.

11. Receivers appointed by the said Receiver General under the Act of the
tenth year of the reign of her present Majesty, chapter ninety-nine, shall
hold their offices only during the pleasure of the Board of Trade; and the
serjeants of the Admiralty of the Cinque Ports, their deputies or other
officers authorized to perform the duties and to exercise the powers within
the jurisdiction of the Cinque Ports elsewhere performed and exercised by such
receivers as aforesaid, shall perform and exercise the same only during the
pleasure and subject to the directions of the Board of Trade; and all such
receivers, serjeants, deputies, and other officers as aforesaid shall possess
in the several districts within which they have hitherto exercised their
duties the same powers, rights, and privileges, and perform the same duties,
as are by the Merchant Shipping Act, 1854, vested in and committed to the
receivers therein mentioned, save only that they shall not be entitled to take
the command in cases of ships or boats stranded or in distress, unless
authorized so to do by the Board of Trade.

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