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You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> MINISTERIAL SALARIES AND MEMBERS' PENSIONS ACT (NORTHERN IRELAND) 1965

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Pensions for widows.

7.(1) Subject to the provisions of this section, the widow of a man who dies
after the commencement of this Act shall be entitled to receive a pension
under this section if her late husband, at the time of his death,

(a)was receiving a pension under section 6; or

(b)being or having been a Member of the House of Commons, had completed ten
years' reckonable service.

(2) The annual amount of a widow's pension shall be one-half of the annual
amount of the pension which her late husband was receiving or entitled to
receive or, as the case may be, of the pension which he would have been
entitled to receive if he had attained the age of sixty-five years, or
attained that age and ceased to be a Member of the House of Commons,
immediately before his death.

(3) Subject to subsections (4) and (5), a pension under this section shall
continue for the life of the widow or until her remarriage, but in the case of
remarriage the Trustees may, if they think fit, at any time direct that the
pension be restored if satisfied that the subsequent marriage has been
terminated or that there are exceptional reasons for the payment of the
pension notwithstanding the subsistence of that marriage.

(4) No pension shall, subject to subsection (5), be paid under this section to
a widow who, at her husband's death, was cohabiting with another person, and
if a widow entitled to such a pension cohabits with another person the pension
shall cease to be payable.

(5) The Trustees may, if they think fit, direct that the pension shall be paid
or restored, as the case may be, if satisfied that the cohabitation has been
terminated and that there are exceptional reasons for the payment of the

(6) Where a man dies in circumstances in which, apart from this subsection, a
widow's pension would be payable to a woman married by him within the year
ending with his death, then if

(a)there are no children of that marriage; and

(b)it appears to the Trustees that his death within the year was to be
foreseen by him at the date of the marriage;

Pensions for certain widowers.

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