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Pensions of Members.

6.(1) Subject to the provisions of this section, a person who, after the
commencement of this Act, ceases to be a Member of the House of Commons shall
be entitled to receive a pension under this section if he has completed ten
years' reckonable service when he so ceases and

(a)has then attained or thereafter attains the age of sixty-five years; or

(b)the Trustees after considering medical evidence are satisfied that at the
time of his so ceasing or at any time thereafter he is by reason of bodily or
mental infirmity incapable of earning his own living and that that infirmity
is likely to be permanent.

(2) The annual amount of the pension payable under this section shall be a sum
calculated by reference to the number of complete years of reckonable service
of the Member in question, as follows:

(a)for each such year up to fifteen, #30;

(b)for each such year exceeding fifteen but not exceeding forty-five, #12.

[(2A) Where on or after 1st January 1972 a person

(a)has ceased to be a Member of the House of Commons;

(b)has completed four years' reckonable service when he so ceased; and

(c)has attained the age of sixty years but has not attained the age of
sixty-five years,

[(3) A pension under this section shall continue for the life of the person to
whom it is payable but shall not be payable in respect of any period during
which he

(a)is a member of the Assembly or a candidate for election thereto;

(b)is a member of the Convention elected under section 2 of the Northern
Ireland Act 1974 or a candidate for election thereto; or

(c)continues, by virtue of paragraph 14(2) of Schedule 2 to the Northern
Ireland Act 1974 (or that paragraph as applied by paragraph 15(7) of that
Schedule), to receive remuneration after the dissolution of Convention;

(4) In this Part "reckonable service" means subject to the provisions of
sections 10 and 12 relating to the refund of contributions and the transfer of
pension rights,

(a)service as a Member of the House of Commons on and after 1st April 1965,
being service in respect of which contributions are paid under section 4;

(b)service as a Member of that House before that date by a person who is a
member of that House at any time after that date;

(5) For the purpose of calculating the number of complete years of a Member's
reckonable service, all periods of reckonable service shall be aggregated.

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