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Northern Irish Legislation

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15.(1) Every person who ceases after the commencement of this Act to be Prime
Minister shall, subject to subsections (2) and (3), be entitled to a pension
at the rate of #2,000 per annum.

(2) No pension shall be payable under this section to any person so long as he
is in receipt of any salary payable out of moneys provided by Parliament or
the Parliament of the United Kingdom or out of the Consolidated Fund or the
Consolidated Fund of the United Kingdom.

(3) Where a person to whom a pension is payable under this section is entitled
to any pension under the provisions of Part II of the Ministerial Salaries and
Members' Pensions Act 1965 or Part II of the Ministerial Salaries and Members'
Pensions Act (Northern Ireland) 1965, the payment of the pension under this
section shall, if the amount of the pension, or the aggregate amount of the
pensions, payable under those provisions is greater than or equal to the
amount of the pension payable under this section, be suspended and, if less,
the amount of the pension payable under this section shall be diminished by
the amount of the pension, or aggregate amount of the pensions, payable under
those provisions.

(4) Any pension payable under subsection (1) shall be charged on and payable
out of the Consolidated Fund.

S.16 amends s.1 of 1952 c.15 (NI)

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