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Refund of contributions.

10.(1) Any contributions paid under section 4 by a person who

(a)ceased to be a Member of the House of Commons before 1st January 1972 and
has not been a Member of that House at any time on or after that date; and

(b)did not complete ten years' reckonable service,

(2) Any contributions paid under section 4 by a person who

(a)has ceased to be a Member of the House of Commons on or after 1st January
1972; and

(b)did not complete four years reckonable service,

(3) Subject to subsection (4), any contributions paid under section 4 by a

(a)who dies after ceasing to be a Member of the House of Commons; and

(b)in respect of whom no widow's pension, widower's pension or children's
pension is or may be payable under this Part,

(4) Where a person has become entitled to a pension under section 6 there
shall be deducted from any sum payable to his personal representatives under
subsection (3) the amount paid or accrued on account of that pension.

(5) For the purpose of calculating reckonable service under section 6(4),
contributions refunded under this section shall be treated as not having been

(6) Any interest payable under this section shall be compound interest at the
rate of three per cent. per annum, calculated with annual rests.

(7) On making any repayment of contributions (including interest on
contributions) under this section, the Trustees shall be entitled to deduct
from the repayment any tax to which they may become chargeable under
paragraph 2 of Part II of Schedule 5 to the Finance Act 1970 (charge to tax on
repayment of employees' contributions).]

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