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and also in case of the demise of a successor to the Crown within six months after his succession, without his having dissolved the Parliament, or after the same shall have been dissolved and before a new one shall have met;

4. AND ... in case of the demise of any such His Majesty's heir or successor
within the said period of six months, limited for the duration of the said
last preceding Parliament, and before the same shall have been dissolved by
such His Majesty's heir or successor, or after the same shall have been so
dissolved and before a new Parliament shall have met in the manner
herein-after provided, then and in every such case the said last preceding
Parliament shall immediately convene and sit and continue to be a Parliament
to all intents and purposes for and during six months longer, to be computed
from and immediately after such last mentioned demise, but subject to be
sooner prorogued or dissolved by the person who shall then succeed as
aforesaid to the Crown of Great Britain, and so as often as any such demise
shall happen before a new Parliament shall have met in manner herein-after

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