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Northern Irish Legislation

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Prosecution of offences and penalties.

13.(1) All offences against this Act shall be prosecuted and all fines imposed
thereunder shall be recovered in accordance with the Summary Jurisdiction

(2) A prosecution for an offence against regulations made under section five
so far as they relate to butter-milk or against section seven or against
sub-section (7) of section eleven so far as it relates to an officer of a
[district council] may be instituted by the [district council] for the
district in which the offence is committed but save as aforesaid a prosecution
for an offence against this Act shall not be instituted except by or with the
consent of the Ministry.

(3) Subject to sub-section (4), a person found guilty of an offence against
this Act shall be liable on conviction

(a)for a first offence, to a fine not exceeding fifty pounds;

(b)for a second or subsequent offence, to a fine not exceeding one hundred
pounds or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding three months or to both
such fine and such imprisonment.

(4) Any person who fails to comply with the provisions of any regulations
shall be guilty of an offence against this Act and shall on summary conviction
thereof be liable to a fine not exceeding fifty pounds for each offence.

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