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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> MAINTENANCE ORDERS (FACILITIES FOR ENFORCEMENT) ACT 1920

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Enforcement in Ireland of maintenance orders made in His Majesty's dominions outside the United Kingdom.

1.(1) Where a maintenance order has, whether before or after the passing of
this Act, been made against any person by any court in any part of His
Majesty's dominions outside the United Kingdom to which this Act extends, and
a certified copy of the order has been transmitted by the governor of that
part of His Majesty's dominions to the Secretary of State, the Secretary of
State shall send a copy of the order to the prescribed officer of a court
in... Ireland for registration; and on receipt thereof the order shall be
registered in the prescribed manner, and shall, from the date of such
registration, be of the same force and effect, and, subject to the provisions
of this Act, all proceedings may be taken on such order as if it had been an
order originally obtained in the court in which it is so registered, and that
court shall have power to enforce the order accordingly.

(2) The court in which an order is to be so registered as aforesaid shall, if
the court by which the order was made was a court of superior jurisdiction,
be... the King's Bench Division (Matrimonial) of the High Court of Justice in
Ireland, and, if the court was not a court of superior jurisdiction, be a
court of summary jurisdiction.

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