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You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> MARRIAGE (REGISTRATION OF BUILDINGS) ACT (NORTHERN IRELAND) 1967

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1.(1) This Part shall apply only to chapels which are certified by the
Secretary of State to be naval, military or air force chapels.

(2) The Registrar General shall, on the application of the Secretary of State,
register any chapel to which this Part applies for the solemnization therein
of marriages to which this Part applies.

(3) The Registrar General shall, on the application of the Secretary of State,
cancel the registration of any chapel registered by him under this section.

(4) Immediately after registering, or cancelling the registration of, any
chapel under this section, the Registrar General shall cause notice of that
fact to be published in the Belfast Gazette and in a newspaper circulating in
the locality in which the chapel is situated and to be given to the Secretary
of State and to the registrar of marriages for the registration district in
which the chapel is situated (in this Part referred to as "the registrar"),
and that registrar shall record the registration or cancellation in such
manner as the Registrar General may direct.

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