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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> MARRIAGE LAW (IRELAND) AMENDMENT ACT 1863

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Or the registering officer of the Society of Friends, or secretary of a synagogue, by whom respectively the marriage is to be registered, as the case may require:

4. Any party intending marriage under the provisions of this Act shall, at the
time of giving the registrar the notice required by this Act, make and sign or
subscribe a solemn declaration in writing (according to the form set forth in
schedule (B) to this Act annexed, that he or she believes that there is no
impediment of kindred or alliance or other lawful hindrance to the said
marriage, and that the parties to the said marriage have for the space of one
month immediately preceding the giving of such notice usually attended divine
worship in the church, chapel, or meeting-house named in such notice, and that
the parties to the said marriage, in case the marriage is intended to be had
without licence, have for the space of seven days immediately preceding the
giving of such notice had their usual place of abode and residence within the
district of the registrar or respective registrars to whom such notice or
notices, as the case may be, shall be so given; or, in case such marriage is
intended to be had by licence, that one of the parties had for the space of
fifteen days immediately preceding the giving of such notice had his or her
usual place of abode and residence within the district of the registrar to
whom such notice shall be so given; and when either of the parties intending
marriage, and not being a widower or widow, shall be under the age of
[eighteen years], the party making such declaration shall further declare that
the consent of the person or persons whose consent to such marriage is by law
required has been given, or (as the case may be) that there is no person whose
consent to such marriage is by law required; and every declaration so made as
aforesaid shall be signed and subscribed by the party making the same, in the
presence of the registrar to whom the notice of the marriage is given, who
shall attest the same by adding thereto his name, description, and place of
abode; and no certificate or licence for marriage shall be issued or granted
pursuant to any such notice as aforesaid unless the said notice be accompanied
by such solemn declaration duly made and signed or subscribed and attested as
aforesaid; and the registrar shall file such declaration, and keep the same
with the records of his office.

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