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Northern Irish Legislation

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Proceedings of registrar.

3. The registrar shall then proceed as follows:

(1)He shall file the notice so given to him, and keep the same with the
records of his office:

(2)He shall forthwith enter a true copy of the notice in his marriage notice
book (supplied to him by the Registrar General):

(3)He shall keep his book open for the inspection of all persons at all
reasonable times, without fee:

(4)He shall, on the day on which he shall have received such notice, or on the
following day at the latest, [send by post in a closed envelope, which need
not be registered], a copy of the notice, under his hand,To the minister of
the church, chapel, or place of public worship which the parties to the
marriage, or either of them, usually attend:(5)When the marriage is intended
to be contracted in the office of the registrar, he shall, in addition to
sending a copy of the notice to the minister of the church, chapel, or place
of public worship as aforesaid, forthwith suspend a copy of the notice, on a
printed form properly and legibly filled up, in some conspicuous place in his
office, and keep the same so suspended,in the case of a marriage intended to
be celebrated by virtue of a certificate, for twenty-one days,and in the case
of a marriage intended to be celebrated by virtue of a licence, during seven
days, next after the day of entry of the notice;

Notice of marriage to be accompanied by a solemn declaration by one of the
parties in form in sch. (B).

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