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You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> MARRIAGE LAW (IRELAND) AMENDMENT ACT 1863

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Form of notice of marriage to registrar as in sch.(A).

2. Every notice of an intended marriage given to the registrar under the
provisions of the said recited Act or of this Act shall be in the form set
forth in the schedule (A) to this Act annexed, and shall state,

(1)The true name, surname, profession, or condition of each of the persons
intending marriage:

(2)The church, chapel, or place of public worship which the persons intending
marriage, or either of them, usually attend:

(3)The usual dwelling place of each of them:

(4)The time, not being less than seven days, during which each has dwelt
therein (unless such time is more than one month, in which case it may be so

(5)The church, chapel, or registered place of public worship, or other place
in which the marriage is intended to be celebrated (which must be a place
within the district of the registrar to whom the notice is given):

(6)Whether the marriage is intended to be celebrated by virtue of the
registrar's certificate, or by virtue of his licence.

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