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Northern Irish Legislation

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Act not to alter provisions of recited Act, except where at variance with this Act.

16. Except where the provisions of the said recited Act are expressly altered
by or are at variance with the provisions of this Act, nothing herein
contained shall alter, repeal, or affect, or be construed so as in any manner
to alter, repeal, or affect, any of the provisions or clauses contained in the
said Act, but, except as aforesaid, the same provisions and clauses
respectively shall be and remain in full force and effect as if this Act had
not been passed; and this Act shall, except as aforesaid, be considered as
incorporated with the same provisions and clauses, and be construed in
connexion therewith.

S.17 rep. by SLR 1893

in the County of .I the undersigned James Smith hereby give you notice, that a
marriage is intended to be had, without [or by, as the case may be] licence,
within three calendar months from the date hereof, between me and the other
party named and described; (that is to say,)

NineteenGrove Farm, town-More than oneSion Chapel,

] day of [] one thousand eight hundred and [sixty-three].(Signed)James
Smith.PS0700(The particulars in this schedule to be entered according to the
and that we the above-named A.B. and C.D. have for the space of One Month
immediately preceding the giving the Notice of our Marriage, usually attended
Divine Worship in the (here insert the name of the place of Public Worship)
belonging to the (here insert the name of the Church or Religious Community to
which such place of Worship shall belong (as the case may be)) within the
District of and County of :

and that I, the above named A.B. have for the space of Fifteen Days
immediately preceding the giving the Notice of Marriage had my usual place of
abode and residence (if the Marriage is intended to be had in a Church or
Chapel of the Church of Ireland, insert the following words"in the Parish of
," or "in the Ecclesiastical District of ," (as the case may be), and add the
name of the Parish or Ecclesiastical District in which one of the parties
resides) within the District of and County of .

And I further declare that I am not a Minor under the age of [Eighteen] years,
and that the other Party herein named and described is not a Minor under the
age of [Eighteen] years (if one or both of the parties be under age the
appropriate words must be deleted).

And I further declare, that she (or, I), the said C.D. (or A.B.) is (or, am) a
Minor under the age of [Eighteen] years, and that there is required by law the
consent of E.D. and F.D. to her (or, my) Marriage, (or, an order of the County
Court of the County of dispensing with consent to her (or, my) Marriage (as
the case may be).

AND I make the foregoing Declarations solemnly and deliberately,
conscientiously believing the same to be true, pursuant to the provisions of
the Marriage Law (Ireland) Amendment Act, 1863, well knowing that every person
who shall knowingly and wilfully make or sign or subscribe any false
Declaration, or who shall sign any false Notice for the purpose of procuring
any Marriage under the provisions of the said Act above-mentioned, or of any
Act therein recited, shall suffer the penalties of Perjury. In witness whereof
I have hereunto set and subscribed my hand, this day of .

Signed and Declared by the above-named

A.B. in the presence of


Registrar of the District of]

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