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Northern Irish Legislation

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38. A marriage may, notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein-before in
this Act contained, be lawfully solemnized by a Protestant Episcopalian
clergyman between a person who is a Protestant Episcopalian and a person who
is not a Protestant Episcopalian, and by a Roman Catholic clergyman between a
person who is a Roman Catholic and a person who is not a Roman Catholic,
providing the following conditions are complied with:

1st. That such notice is given to the registrar and such certificate is issued
as at the time of the passing of this Act is required by the
Marriages (Ireland) Act, 1844, as amended by the
Marriage Law (Ireland) Amendment Act, 1863, in every case of marriage intended
to be solemnized in Ireland according to the rites of the United Church of
England and Ireland, with the exception of marriages by licence or special
licence, or after publication of banns:

2nd. That the certificate of the registrar is delivered to the clergyman
solemnizing such marriage at the time of the solemnization of the marriage:

3rd. That such marriage is solemnized in a building set apart for the
celebration of divine service according to the rites and ceremonies of the
religion of the clergyman solemnizing such marriage, and situate in the
district of the registrar by whom the certificate is issued:

4th. With open doors:

5th. That such marriage is solemnized between the hours of eight in the
forenoon and [six in the afternoon] in the presence of two or more credible

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