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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> MARITIME CONVENTIONS ACT 1911

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8. No action shall be maintainable to enforce any claim or lien against a
vessel or her owners in respect of any damage or loss to another vessel, her
cargo or freight, or any property on board her, or damages for loss of life or
personal injuries suffered by any person on board her, caused by the fault of
the former vessel, whether such vessel be wholly or partly in fault, or in
respect of any salvage services, unless proceedings therein are commenced
within two years from the date when the damage or loss or injury was caused or
the salvage services were rendered, and an action shall not be maintainable
under this Act to enforce any contribution in respect of an overpaid
proportion of any damages for loss of life or personal injuries unless
proceedings therein are commenced within one year from the date of payment:

Provided that any court having jurisdiction to deal with an action to which
this section relates may, in accordance with the rules of court, extend any
such period, to such extent and on such conditions as it thinks fit, and
shall, if satisfied that there has not during such period been any reasonable
opportunity of arresting the defendant vessel within the jurisdiction of the
court, or within the territorial waters of the country to which the
plaintiff's ship belongs or in which the plaintiff resides or has his
principal place of business, extend any such period to an extent sufficient to
give such reasonable opportunity.

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