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Functions of Board.

2.(1) On the appointed day, subject to the provisions of this Act, the
functions of

(a)the Ministry of Home Affairs (in this Act referred to as "the Ministry") as
managers of the Malone Training School and the Girls Training School,
Whiteabbey, in the County of Antrim (in this Act referred to as "the
Whiteabbey Training School"), and

(b)the Council of the County Borough of Belfast (in this Act referred to as
"the Council") as managers of the Balmoral Training School,

(2) Subject to the provisions of this Act the Board shall, from the
appointed day, have the general management and control of the Malone,
Whiteabbey and Balmoral Training Schools and for that purpose shall have and
perform all the functions of managers of training schools under [the Act of

(3) The Board may, with the approval of the Ministry, undertake the purchase,
establishment, building, alteration, enlargement, rebuilding or management of
other training schools, and in respect of any such school the Board shall
subject to sub-section (4) have and perform all the functions of managers of a
training school under [the Act of 1968.]

(4) [Sub-section (3) of section one hundred and thirty-seven of the Act of
1968] (which deals with the power of the managers of a training school to
surrender the certificate of approval of the school) shall not apply to the

Amalgamation of Malone and Balmoral Training Schools.

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