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Application of Act to auction marts.

4.(1) An auctioneer shall not, unless exempted by order of the Irish Land
Commission from the requirements of this section, sell cattle at any mart
where cattle are habitually or periodically sold, unless there are provided at
that mart similar facilities for weighing cattle as are required by the
principal Act and this Act in the case of cattle sold at a market or fair to
which the principal Act applies.

(2) Every auctioneer who in any place from which returns are required to be
made under this Act sells cattle at any such mart as aforesaid shall, unless
exempted as aforesaid, make the like returns to the Irish Land Commission with
respect to cattle entering, weighed, and sold at that mart as are required by
this Act to be made by a market authority, ....

(3) If any such auctioneer makes default in complying with the requirements of
this section, the auctioneer, or, if he is in the employment of any person,
the person by whom he is employed, shall for each offence be liable on summary
conviction to a fine not exceeding twenty pounds, or in case of a continuing
offence to a fine not exceeding ten pounds for every day during which the
offence continues.

Subs.(4) rep. by SLR 1908

S.5 (application to Ireland)

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