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Northern Irish Legislation

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Proof of publication of byelaws.

49. The production of a written or printed copy of the byelaws requiring
confirmation by the court of quarter session ... authenticated by the
signature of the judge or of the chairman of the court ... who shall have
approved of the same, and requiring approval under the hand of one of Her
Majesty's principal secretaries of state, and a written or printed copy of the
byelaws not requiring such confirmation or approval, authenticated by the
common seal of the undertakers, if they be a body corporate, or under the
hands of the undertakers, if not incorporated, or any two of them, shall be
evidence of the existence and making of such byelaws in all cases of
prosecution under the same, without proof of the signature of such judge,
chairman, or sheriff, or such secretary of state, or the common seal or
signature of the undertakers; and with respect to the proof of the publication
of any such byelaws, it shall be sufficient to prove that a painted board
containing a copy thereof was put up and continued in manner by this Act
directed, and in case of its afterwards being displaced or damaged, that such
board was replaced or restored as soon as conveniently might be, unless proof
be adduced by the party complained against that such painted board did not
contain a copy of such byelaws, or was not duly put up or continued as
directed by this Act.

Annual account to be made up by the undertakers.

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