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Northern Irish Legislation

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Persons unduly solemnizing marriages guilty of felony.

47. Every registrar who shall knowingly and wilfully issue any certificate for
marriage after the expiration of three calendar months after the day on which
the notice shall have been entered by him as aforesaid, or any certificate for
marriage by licence before the expiration of seven days after the day of the
entry of the notice, or any certificate for marriage without licence before
the expiration of twenty-one days after the day of the entry of the notice, or
any certificate the issue of which shall have been forbidden as aforesaid by
any person authorised to forbid the issue of the registrar's certificate, or
who shall knowingly and wilfully register any marriage herein declared to be
null and void, and every registrar who shall knowingly and wilfully issue any
licence for marriage after the expiration of three calendar months after the
day on which the notice shall have been entered by the registrar as aforesaid,
or who shall knowingly and wilfully solemnize or permit to be solemnized in
his office any marriage herein declared to be null and void, shall be guilty
of felony.

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