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Northern Irish Legislation

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Bishop, with consent of archbishop, may revoke such licences;

41. The registrar of every diocese shall, within fifteen days after the first
day of January in every year, make out and send through the post office,
directed to the registrar general of marriages at his office, a list of all
chapels belonging to the United Church of England and Ireland within that
diocese wherein marriages may lawfully be solemnized according to the rites
and ceremonies of the United Church of England and Ireland, and shall
distinguish in such list which have a parish, chapelry, or other recognized
ecclesiastical division annexed to them, and which are chapels licensed by the
bishop under this Act, and shall state therein the district for which each of
such chapels is licensed according to the description thereof in the licence;
and the registrar general shall in every year cause to be made out and printed
a list of all such chapels, and also of all places of public worship
registered under the provisions of this Act, and shall state in such list the
county and registrar's district within which each chapel or registered
building is situated, and shall add also the names and places of abode of the
registrars; and a copy of such list shall be sent to every registrar.

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