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Northern Irish Legislation

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Option to parties to be married at parish church.

40. In case of the revocation of the licence to solemnize marriages in any
such chapel all registers of marriages solemnized therein under such licence
which shall be in the custody or possession of the minister of such chapel at
the time of such revocation shall forthwith be transmitted to the incumbent or
officiating minister of the parish church, and shall thenceforth be preserved,
and in all other respects dealt with, in the same manner, and be of the same
force and validity to all intents and purposes, as if they had been originally
made by and deposited with such incumbent or officiating minister; and such
incumbent or minister shall, when he next transmits to the registrar copies of
the registers of marriages solemnized in such parish church, also therewith
transmit copies of all such entries as shall have been made in such
first-mentioned registers subsequent to the date of the last entry a copy
whereof was transmitted to the registrar, and shall also transmit to him one
copy of every register book so transmitted to him of which no copy shall have
been already transmitted to the registrar, having first signed his name at the
foot of the last entry therein.

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