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Northern Irish Legislation

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Marriages between parties, one or both of whom are Presbyterians, may be solemnized in certified meeting houses under conditions herein prescribed.

4. Marriages between parties, both of whom are Presbyterians, may be
solemnized according to the forms used by Presbyterians, either by the licence
of a Presbyterian minister, or by publication of banns, as herein-after
respectively mentioned, in meeting houses to be certified as herein-after
mentioned, between the hours of eight in the morning and [six in the
afternoon], with open doors, and in the presence of two or more credible
witnesses; and marriages between parties, of whom one only is a Presbyterian
may be solemnized according to the same forms, by such licence of a
Presbyterian minister, in such meeting houses, between the same hours, with
open doors, and in the presence of two or more credible witnesses; provided
that in either case there be no lawful impediment to the marriage of such

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