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Northern Irish Legislation

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Marriage fees to the registrar.

33. ... With the consent of the patron and incumbent respectively of the
church of the parish or district in which may be situated any public chapel
with or without a chapelry thereunto annexed, or any chapel duly licensed for
the celebration of divine service according to the rites and ceremonies of the
United Church of England and Ireland, or any chapel the minister whereof is
duly licensed to officiate therein according to the rites and ceremonies of
the United Church of England and Ireland, or without such consent after two
calendar months notice in writing given by the registrar of the diocese to
such patron and incumbent respectively, the bishop of the diocese may, if he
shall think it necessary for the due accommodation and convenience of the
inhabitants, authorize by a licence under his hand and seal the publication of
banns and solemnization of marriages in any such chapel for persons residing
within a district the limits whereof shall be specified in the bishop's
licence, and under such provisions as to the said bishop may seem fit and as
may be specified in the said licence; and the said licence shall be construed
to extend to and authorize marriages in such chapels between parties one or
both of whom is or are resident within the said district: Provided always,
that where the parties to any marriage intended to be solemnized after
publication of banns shall reside within different ecclesiastical districts,
the banns for such marriage shall be published as well in the church or chapel
wherein such marriage is intended to be solemnized as in the chapel licensed
under the provisions of this Act for the other district within which one of
the parties is resident, and if there be no such chapel then in the church or
chapel in which the banns of such last-mentioned party may be legally
published: Provided also, that it shall be lawful for any patron or incumbent
who shall refuse or withhold consent to the grant of any such licence to
deliver to the bishop, under his or her hand and seal, a statement of the
reasons for which such consent shall have been so refused or withholden; and
no such licence shall be granted by any bishop until he shall have inquired
into the matter of such reasons; and every instrument of consent of the patron
and incumbent, or, if such consent be refused or withholden, a copy of the
notice under the hand of the registrar, and every statement of reasons alleged
as aforesaid by the patron or incumbent, with the bishop's adjudication
thereupon under his hand and seal, shall be registered in the registry of the
diocese; and thenceforth and until the said licence be revoked marriages
solemnized in such chapel shall be as valid to all intents and purposes as if
the same had been solemnized in the parish church, or in any chapel where
marriages might heretofore have been legally solemnized.

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