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Northern Irish Legislation

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New notice required if marriage not solemnized within three months.

27. Any proprietor or trustee of a separate building, being a place of
religious worship, may apply to the registrar of the district, in order that
such building may be registered for solemnizing marriages therein, and in such
case shall deliver to the registrar a certificate, signed in duplicate by ten
householders at the least, that such building [is being used by them] as their
usual place of public religious worship, and that they are desirous that such
place should be registered as aforesaid, each of which certificates shall be
countersigned by the proprietor or trustee by whom the same shall be
delivered; and the registrar shall send both certificates to the registrar
general, who shall cause such building to be registered accordingly in a book
to be kept for that purpose at the general register office; and the registrar
general shall cause to be endorsed on both certificates the date of the
registry, and shall keep one certificate with the other records of the general
register office, and shall return the other certificate to the registrar, who
shall keep the same with the other records of his office; and the registrar
shall enter the date of the registry of such building in a book to be
furnished to him for that purpose by the registrar general, and shall give a
certificate of such registry under his hand, on parchment or vellum, to the
proprietor or trustee by whom the certificates are counter-signed, and shall
give public notice of the registry thereof, by advertisement in some newspaper
circulating within the county, and in the [Belfast Gazette]; and for every
such entry, certificate, and publication the registrar shall receive at the
time of the delivery to him of the certificates [the prescribed fee].

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