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Northern Irish Legislation

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Quarterly return of licences granted.

22. Before any licence for marriage shall be granted by any such registrar one
of the parties intending marriage shall appear personally before such
registrar, and, in case the notice of such intended marriage shall not have
been given exclusively to such registrar, shall deliver to him the certificate
of the other registrar to whom such notice shall have been given and such
party shall make oath, or shall make his or her solemn affirmation or
declaration instead of taking an oath, that he or she believeth that there is
not any impediment of kindred or alliance or other lawful hindrance to the
said marriage, and that one of the said parties hath for the space of fifteen
days immediately before the day of the grant of such licence had his or her
usual place of abode within the district within which such marriage is to be
solemnized, and that they are both of the full age of [eighteen] years, or,
where either of the parties shall be under the age of [eighteen] years, that
the consent of the person or persons whose consent to such marriage is
required by law been obtained thereto, or that there is no person having
authority to give such consent, or that such party is a widower or widow, as
the case may be.

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