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1954 c.21

21. ... every registrar shall have authority to grant licences for marriage in
any building registered as herein-after provided within his district, or in
his office, in the form of schedule (E) to this Act annexed, and for every
such licence shall be entitled to have of the party requiring the same [the
prescribed fee]; and every registrar shall four times in every year, on such
days as shall be appointed by the registrar general, make a return to the
registrar general of every licence granted by him since his last return, and
of the particulars stated concerning the parties: ... Provided also, that
nothing herein contained shall authorize any registrar to grant any licence
for marriage in any church or chapel in which marriages may be solemnized
according to the rites of the United Church of England and Ireland, or in any
church or chapel belonging to the said United Church, or licensed for the
celebration of divine worship according to the rites and ceremonies of the
said United Church, or any licence for a marriage between two persons, both or
one of whom shall be Presbyterians, in a Presbyterian meeting house certified
as aforesaid.

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