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Certificates for marriage by licence to be distinguishable from other certificates.

18. Any person authorized in that behalf may forbid the issue of the
registrar's certificate [or licence], by writing at any time before the issue
of such certificate [or licence] the word "forbidden" opposite to the entry of
the notice of such intended marriage in the marriage notice book, and by
subscribing thereto his or her name and place of abode, and his or her
character, in respect of either of the parties, by reason of which he or she
is so authorized; and in case the issue of any such certificate [or licence]
shall have been so forbidden the notice and all proceedings thereupon shall be
utterly void.

[A person authorized in that behalf is any person whose consent is, under
subsection (1) of section one of the Marriages Act (Northern Ireland), 1954,
requisite for the marriage of a minor.]

Ss.19, 20 rep. by 1954 c.21 (NI) s.7

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