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Northern Irish Legislation

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Forms of certificates to be furnished by registrar general.

17. The registrar general shall furnish to every registrar a sufficient number
of forms of certificates, the cost of which shall be accounted for by the
registrar to the registrar general; and in order to distinguish the
certificates to be issued for marriages by licence from the certificates to be
issued for marriage without licence, a watermark in the form of the word
"licence," in Roman letters, shall be laid and manufactured in the substance
of the paper on which the certificates to be issued for marriage by licence
shall be written or printed; and every certificate to be issued for marriage
by licence shall be printed with red ink, and every certificate to be issued
for marriage without licence shall be printed with black ink, and such other
distinctive marks between the two kinds of certificate shall be used from time
to time as shall seem fit to the registrar general.

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