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Northern Irish Legislation

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Caveat may be lodged with the minister against grant of licence.

11. Any person may enter a caveat with the minister so appointed and approved
against the grant of a licence for the marriage of any person named therein;
and if any caveat be entered with such minister, such caveat being duly signed
by or on behalf of the person who enters the same, together with his or her
place of residence, and the ground of objection on which his or her caveat is
founded, no licence shall issue or be granted until the minister shall have
examined into the matter of the caveat, and is satisfied that it ought not to
obstruct the grant of the licence for the said marriage, or until the caveat
be withdrawn by the party who entered the same; and in cases of doubt it shall
be lawful for such minister to refer the matter of any such caveat to the
presbytery by which he shall have been appointed, which shall decide upon the

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