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Northern Irish Legislation

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Rules prescribed by rubrick as to marriages to be observed.

1.] ... all the rules prescribed by the rubrick concerning the solemnizing of
marriages shall continue to be duly observed, except as herein-after provided,
by every person in holy orders of the United Church of England and Ireland who
shall solemnize any marriage in Ireland: Provided always, that the giving of
notice to the registrar and the issue of the registrar's certificate for
marriage without licence, as herein-after mentioned, may be used and shall
stand instead of the publication of banns, to all intents and purposes, where
no such publication shall have been made; and every person in holy orders of
the United Church of England and Ireland shall be bound to solemnize marriage
on production of such certificate, in like manner as he is required to do, by
any law or canon now in force, after due publication of banns, so nevertheless
that the church wherein any marriage according to the rites of the United
Church of England and Ireland shall so be solemnized shall be within the
district of the registrar by whom such certificate as aforesaid shall have
been issued.

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