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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> LLOYD'S SIGNAL STATIONS ACT 1888

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Lloyd's to have power to establish signal stations with telegraphic communications.

2. The Society may, subject to the restrictions and conditions contained in
this Act, execute the following works and do the following things, namely:

(1)Establish signal stations and erect and place signal houses with all
requisite works, roads, appurtenances, and appliances at such places on the
coast of the British Islands, or any islands, shoals, or rocks lying near
thereto, as they think fit, and maintain and work the same with a proper staff
of keepers, officers, and servants, and from time to time alter or remove any
such signal houses or discontinue any such signal stations:

(2)For the purpose of connecting any of the said signal stations or signal
houses with each other or with postal telegraph stations, enter into
arrangements with the Postmaster-General for the placing, maintaining, and
working of wires for the purpose of telegraphic or telephonic communication by
him upon such terms and conditions as he shall prescribe:

(3)Acquire by compulsion or agreement and hold any lands which may from time
to time be necessary for any of the above purposes or for the purpose of
providing residences and suitable gardens for signalmen and signal-house
keepers. Provided that the extent of land to be acquired by compulsion under
this Act at any one place shall not exceed two acres exclusive of the
necessary means of approach; but nothing in this Act shall empower the Society
to take any part of a railway or canal:

(4)When necessary, but subject to the provisions of the Lands Clauses Act with
respect to the sale of superfluous lands, dispose by way of sale, lease, or
otherwise, of any lands acquired by them for any of the purposes aforesaid.

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