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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> LLOYD'S SIGNAL STATIONS ACT 1888

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Saving as to works near tidal waters.

12. The Society shall not construct on the shore of the sea, or of any creek,
bay, arm of the sea, or navigable river communicating therewith, where and so
far up the same as the tide flows and reflows, any work without the previous
consent of the Board of Trade, to be signified in writing..., and then only
according to such plan and under such restrictions and regulations as the
Board of Trade may approve of, such approval being signified as last
aforesaid, and where any such work may have been constructed, the Society
shall not at any time alter or extend the same without obtaining previously to
making any such alteration or extension the like consents or approvals. If any
such work be commenced or completed contrary to the provisions of this
section, the Board of Trade may abate and remove the same and restore the site
thereof to its former condition at the cost and charge of the Society, and the
amount of such costs and charges shall be a debt due from the Society to the
Crown and shall be recoverable accordingly with costs.

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