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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> LLOYD'S SIGNAL STATIONS ACT 1888

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Provisions for protection of lighthouses and lights.

10.(1) The Society shall not erect or establish any signal house, or other
erection, or execute any work of any kind, which in the opinion of the
general lighthouse authority for that part of the United Kingdom in which the
signal house, erection, or work is proposed to be built or executed, will
obstruct the light or sound from, or in any other manner interfere with or
impair the usefulness or efficiency of any lighthouse, light vessel, beacon,
buoy, fog signal, or other sea mark under the jurisdiction of that authority.

(2) If any such signal house, erection, or work is commenced or completed in
contravention of this section, the general lighthouse authority may at any
time abate and remove the same, and restore the site thereof to its former
condition, at the cost and charge of the Society, and may for that purpose
enter on any lands of the Society, and do thereon all such things as may be
necessary for the said abatement, removal, and restoration.

(3) The amount of the costs and charges incurred in any such abatement,
removal, or restoration, shall be a debt due from the Society to the
general lighthouse authority, and shall be recoverable accordingly with costs.

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